Business and Office Cleaning

We keep your workspace clean, fresh, and inviting.

Business and Office Cleaning

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Employees spend eight hours a day in their workspace. Shouldn’t it be clean? Sparkling Klean provides office and workspace cleaning services that go above and beyond.

  • Dusting surfaces, furniture, and personal items
  • Emptying all wastepaper baskets, garbage cans, and recycling bins
  • Disinfecting bathrooms, including sinks and toilets, and replacing paper products
  • Disinfecting kitchen and break areas
  • Mopping floors and vacuuming carpets
  • Cleaning and disinfecting the elevator or stairs

Sparkling Klean can also perform additional services to address specific tasks, such as dishwashing or emptying the dishwasher, microwave cleaning, or refrigerator clean-outs to ensure your employees have an ideal working and breakroom environment.

Why Businesses Choose Sparkling Klean

Our cleaning crews understand that each office and business environment is unique and workstyles vary. That’s why we get to know your business and how your workspace operates to develop a customized cleaning plan.

And we work at your convenience. For example, if your call center is busier at night, we’ll clean during the day. We can perform routine office cleaning before, after, or during regular hours of operation, on whatever fits your schedule best.

We are respectful of individual workspaces. Unless we receive clear directions, personal items are undisturbed, materials are left untouched, and the overall integrity of each area is respected.

Furthermore, our employees are discrete. We maintain client confidentiality and workplace security. And if you have specific requirements for our employees, such as security clearances or background checks, we’re happy to oblige.

These are just a few reasons businesses choose Sparkling Klean as their trusted cleaning partner.


Other services

Our service works look like this

New Construction Cleaning

New Construction Cleaning

We partner with builders, from rough to final clean.


Property Management Cleaning

Property Management Cleaning

We maintain your property’s appearance, so you don't have to.


Real Estate Cleaning

Real Estate Cleaning

We help realtors get their client's home ready to list, from a quick touch up clean to an entire home deep clean, we're here when you need us!


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